This week our student ministry at Temple took on the Acts 1:8 Challenge. We had more grandiose plans for a New York trip this same week, but many things contributed to its demise. That turned out to be just what we needed!
This week our students experienced missions in our Jerusalem. And they did it well.
We served the homeless Monday night by feeding them and sharing the gospel. That was a great start to an amazing week.
Tuesday and Wednesday nights we went door to door with practical gifts of batteries and light bulbs for homeowners so that we might have the opportunity to share Christ with them at the end of a spiritual survey.
We canvassed about 300 + homes. Thursday night we took bottled waters to Heritage Park to give away to families at the park. All of those experiences gave our students practical opportunities to share Christ. We had many students who surveyed people about their spiritual lives and shared the Gospel when appropriate.
Through the surveys and intentionally engaging people for the sake of the Gospel they also had their eyes opened without having to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to go around the world (but we hope we get to do that soon too!)
One night during our post service worship times students shared their experiences going door to door. Many of them were amazed at how many people in little 'ol Simpsonville, SC either don't care about their relationship to Christ, or are unaware of what it takes to know Christ through grace and faith. Our students we amazed at how many people are depending on their works to get them to heaven.
What was I surprised about? Well, I guess it would have to be the
people who stood out. I won't call but one name. Mitch Lane was the man this week. This rising 8th grade boy went CRAZY this week sharing Jesus with people at their homes. He prayed with 3 people this week to follow Christ as their Lord! Look at him!
Nothing ceases to amaze me! He is a great boy and I LOVE HIM because he GOT IT this week. Develop a heart for God AND men! He was not going to let someone slide by with a questionable testimony . . .so he shared with them the gospel, asked them if it made sense and if they wanted that for themselves, then he led them to pray to Jesus! SIMPLE AS THAT! He will be a soul winner!
Others had a great week also. Got a text message from one of our rising 8th grade girls excited because she and her Mom had invited people at Walgreen's to the car wash that we were doing for the community so that we could share Christ again. That kind of stuff makes my Student Pastor's heart jump with joy!
So, what now?
First, understand that Christ commanded us to share '"as are going . . .(Matthew 28:19)" not just during a prescribed week of missions.
Second, begin to pray like Jesus prayed in John 17:20, “"I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word;” Jesus said I will pray now for those who will become followers later after my disciples share the gospel!
Third, as you work on being a witness begin to let your eyes wander. What is God doing on the horizon of the Kingdom of God th
at He may would allow you to become a part of? Maybe you have questions about mission work, even as a middle school or high school student. If you do you need to visit The Task web site for some answers and questions you have not thought of.
God is at work. I am glad ecstatic to be around while it happens, and I look forward to seeing students develop a heart for the nations . . .it will start here!
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and beginning to give some of our students a heart for the nations!
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