One of the leading causes of death amongst teenagers is suicide. The Centers for Disease control report that suicide is the third leading cause of death, behind accidents and homicide, of people aged 15 to 24. Even more disturbing is the fact that suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10 and 14.
Teen suicide is a very real issue today in the United States. It is important to recognize the fact that the suicide rate amongst teenagers is on the rise. In order to prevent teen suicide, it is vital to recognize what leads to it, and then treat the causes.
One of the ways to make a difference is to decide that we, as individuals, want to make a difference. Decide that we want TO SAVE A LIFE!
On January 22, 2010 one of the most impactful movies to ever be released hits the big screen, and we need your help to make the big splash in our community.
The movie To Save A Life is an independently produced movie about the real life challenges of teens and their choices, written by seasoned youth worker Jim Britts and inspired by a passion to reach teenagers with life-affirming entertainment.
Knowing that many share that same passion we want to invite you to a private screening at Temple Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC. At the screening you will see the full length movie, have a brief discussion after the movie, and receive information about how you can help get the word out.
I have signed up to be part of the Tower Crew for the movie. Basically, that is a point person for the movie distributor to generate interest for the movie. I am doing it because I have already viewed the movie with my family, and I believe this movie to potentially be a movie that can actually save lives. More than Fireproof or Facing the Giants . . .let that sink in.
Lifeguards are focused on one thing only…saving lives! Their lifeguard towers lift them up to see above the crowd and allow them to spot danger. Lifeguards keep an eye out for others, and when they see signs of someone in need, they GO INTO ACTION. So do Tower Crews, the street teams for To Save A Life. Will you at least entertain the possibility that you too need to be on the Crew?
We have a vision to be able to partner with local high schools to make available AT LEAST 1000 tickets for teenagers to have FOR FREE! Nobody refuses FREE MOVIE TICKETS! To do that, we need sponsors. So, pass this along to your volunteer team, faculty, AND business men and women that may be potential sponsors for these tickets.
Come see the movie. Join the discussion. Then, join the Crew. The Details follow . . .
When: December 14, 2009 @ 7 PM
Where: Temple Baptist Church, 213 W. Curtis St., Simpsonville, SC 29681
What: Movie, pop corn, and sodas! Discussion to follow the movie
Who: Principals, high school teachers, Student Pastors & Pastors with their spouses, volunteers from your volunteer team, & potential sponsors for movie tickets.
WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE TEENS OTHER THAN 2 students who are leaders in your classes OR ministry.
For more information about the movie, resources to promote the movie, or this screening event please view the following web sites.
Screening event on FACEBOOK. If you are on FACEBOOK you should be able to RSVP on this site.
If not, you can just respond by email to mavants@templebaptistonline.org.
Movie SITE
Movie Leader SITE
The following is a link to the movie trailer. MOVIE TRAILER
The following is a link to the movie promotion for youth pastors or pastors. Youth Pastor Promo

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